
How will TC use information about you, our customers?

TC Ltd (also trading as TC Direct, Spectite® and Spectherm®) are committed to protecting your privacy and providing a service which you can rely on. The following privacy statement applies to
TC Ltd and its subsidiaries (listed above), referred to from hereon in as ‘the company’. Any personal information collected is controlled by: TC Ltd, P.O. Box 130, UXBRIDGE, Middlesex, UB8 2YS.

Collection of Personal Data – How is it Used?

The company takes our customer’s privacy extremely seriously and we will only ever use personal information (such as full name, job title/department, telephone number and email address) to provide an accurate and professional service to our customers, or to contact you about orders you have placed with us. At no point will your details ever be passed on to any 3rd party; we only use your details for legitimate, business reasons. Under no circumstances will we ever ask you for any high risk or sensitive personal information as it holds no weight towards the service that we provide. The information that you provide is handled manually and there are no automated decisions or profiling required in order for us to provide a service to you, our customers.


Our website uses a very small number of cookies for the purposes of helping our site run faster and provide an improved user experience and to enable functionality within the website such as Chat. We do not use or collect any personal data with these cookies. We do use Google Analytics and Microsoft Clarity to anonymously analyse how visitors use our website, no personal data is collected for this purpose.

Disabling Cookes

You can easily disable cookies in your browser. To learn how, follow the relevant link below:

Chrome: Click Here | Microsoft Edge: Click Here | Safari: Click Here | Firefox: Click Here

For all other browsers: Go to the browsers setting section (normally in the top right-hand side of the browser in desktop), look for 'Help' and search for the required cookie section.

Marketing – What Choices Do You Have?

Occasionally we would like to send you technical information on the custom built products and services we supply or the latest prices from our ex stock range. This is likely to be twice a year at the most, via post. If you are happy for this information to be sent to you, then you do not need to do anything, however, you have the right to opt out of receiving this information at any time if you feel it is no longer relevant or necessary.

If you are currently receiving technical literature from us and would like to withdraw consent, please use the form below to opt out.

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We only ever use the information you provide to contact you and will never disclose your details.

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Let Us Know

If you would like to raise a complaint about the type of literature you have received or if you feel we have not performed correctly or as listed above in this privacy policy, you may do so by emailing us at


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Thermocouples and RTD Sensors

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We will only ever use the information you provide to occasionally contact you regarding our products and we will never disclose your details to a third party. Please see our privacy policy for more details.

I agree to the terms and conditions listed in the Privacy Policy

View our ISO 90001/2008 Certficate recycle products EHS Policy
View our ISO 90001/2008 Certficate

recycle products

EHS Policy

Thermocouple Sensors
Mineral Insulated Thermocouples
Thermocouples with Mini Plug
Thermocouples with Terminal Head
Thermocouples with Cable
High Temperature Thermocouples
General Purpose Thermocouples
ATEX/IECex Thermocouple Sensors
Ceramic Thermocouple Sensors
Fast Response Thermocouple Sensors
Autoclave Thermocouple Sensors
Surface Measurement Thermocouple Sensors
FEP Insulated Thermocouple

Platinum Resistance Thermometers
Mineral Insulated RTD Pt100 Sensors
Rigid Stem RTD Pt100 Sensors
Hand Held RTD Pt100 Sensors
Surface Measurement RTD Pt100 Sensors
RTD Pt100 Sensors with Cable
RTD Pt100 Sensors with Mini Plug
Autoclave RTD Pt100 Sensors
RTD Pt100 with Terminal Head
ATEX/IECex Platinum Resistance Thermometers
Fast Response RTD Pt100 Sensors
Air Temperature RTD Pt100 Sensors
Magnetic RTD Pt100 Sensors
PVC Single Pair Thermocouple Cable
PFA Single Pair Thermocouple Cable
Fibreglass Single Pair Thermocouple Cable
PVC Multipair Thermocouple Cable
PFA Multipair Thermocouple Cable
Fibreglass Multipair Thermocouple Cable
PVC RTD Pt100 Cable
PFA RTD Pt100 Cable
Fibreglass RTD Pt100 Cable

Miniature Thermocouple Connectors
Mini Thermocouple Connectors – 220ºC Rated
Mini Thermocouple Connectors – 350ºC Rated
Mini Thermocouple Connectors – 650ºC Rated
Mini Thermocouple Connector Accessories
Mini Thermocouple Connector Panels
Mini Three Pin Connectors

Standard Thermocouple Connectors
Standard Thermocouple Connectors – 220ºC
Standard Thermocouple Connectors – 350ºC Rated
Standard Thermocouple Connectors – 650ºC Rated
Standard Thermocouple Connector Accessories
Standard Thermocouple Connector Panels
Standard Three Pin Connectors
Hand Held Indicators
Panel Indicators
Temperature Transmitters
Temperature Controllers
Temperature Programmers
Temperature Calibrators
Chart Recorders
Multi Channel Indicator
DIN Rail Mounted Transmitters
Head Mounted Transmitters
ATEX/IECEx Rated Transmitters
Dry Block Calibrator
Temperature Dataloggers

Temperature Accessories
Compression Fittings
Pressure and Vacuum Feedthroughs
ATEX/IECEx Compression Fittings

UKAS Calibration Services

Pressure Gauges
Pressure Transmitters

© 1998- TC Ltd., P.O. Box 130, UXBRIDGE, UB8 2YS, United Kingdom
Tel.: 01895 252222, Email:
© 1998- TC Ltd., P.O. Box 130, UXBRIDGE, UB8 2YS, United Kingdom
Tel.: 01895252222, Email: