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RTD Colour Codes

RTDs are available in a wide range of styles, configurations and terminations and are available as either a 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire device. Each wiring configuration has its own characteristics and advantages and they are usually colour coded as below:

2-wire RTD Pt100 Sensor = 1 x red lead wire and 1 white lead wire

3-wire RTD Pt100 Sensor = 2 x red lead wires and 1 white lead wire

4-wire RTD Pt100 Sensor = 2 x red lead wires and 2 white lead wires

2, 3 and 4 Wire RTD Wiring Diagram

An insulation colour code and wiring diagram for RTD sensors is shown below.

Resistance Thermometer color codes
Click here to view our range of resistance thermometers!

Typical RTD Sensors - available as 2, 3 or 4 wire configuration

Resistance Thermometers (Pt100, RTD, PRT) -
Mineral Insulated
various RTD, PRT, Pt100 Platinum Resistance Thermometers terminating with cable, connector and fitted terminal headsOur most popular style of RTD sensor. Ideal for most applications. Wide choice of terminations e.g. cables, connectors, heads etc.
Resistance Thermometers (Pt100, RTD, PRT) -
Rigid Stem
various constructions of RTD, PRT, Pt100 Platinum Resistance Thermometers with a rigid stemIdeal for rigid stem applications or where the sensor is shorter than 50mm, limited to 250°C. Wide choice of terminations
Hand Held
Resistance Thermometers (Pt100, RTD, PRT)
RTD, PRT, Pt100 hand held platinum resistance thermometers for general use, air temperature and immersion temperature measurements A range of hand held RTD Sensors to suit a variety of applications from general purpose to surface and air temperature measurements
Resistance Thermometers (Pt100, RTD, PRT) -
for Surface Measurements
A range of RTD, PRT, Pt100 Platinum Resistance Thermometers for surface temperature measurementsA wide range of RTD sensors for surface measurements including self adhesive patch, pipe, magnetic etc.
Resistance Thermometers (Pt100, RTD, PRT)
Small diameter miniature RTD, PRT, Pt100 Platinum Resistance ThermometersFast response 1.5 and 2.0mm diameter sensors ideal for precision temperature measurements with minimal displacement